
提起星座巨蟹座运势,大家都知道,有人问不同星座的运势怎么样?巨蟹座会义无反顾吗?另外,还有人想问星座运势巨蟹座会,你知道这是怎么回事?其实bayyou星座巨蟹座 2015年的运势,下面就一起来看看不同星座的运势怎么样?巨蟹座会义无反顾吗?希望能够帮助到大家!






















bayyou星座巨蟹座 2015年的运势








March 21 - April 19

Masculine Fire Sign

Cardinal - Personal

Ruled by Mars

Keyword - Action

TAROT: The Emperor

Aries people generally have a strong independent personality, they are aggressive, competitive, original, adventurous, and can be argumentative just to enjoy the debate Aries love to do "physical" things and be active, even sometimes taking dangerous risks just to win An Aries will always say what's on their mind, and they will confront anyone who doesn't treat them with respect Aries are a lot of fun and very playful, so they enjoy being the center of attention and the life of the party They tend to get bored easily so they need to find ways to stay active Aries are forward, to the point, out spoken, and have a deep desire to be in charge Aries are natural leaders and therefore they may challenge authority figures Often they tend to be the “heroes” or the rescuers to their friends and family, sometimes too rashly; but ultimately it is because they are ready to jump at everything they encounter The sign Aries rules the head area, which can make them prone to headaches, head injuries, and jaw problems They are also prone to accidents

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Aries can be quick tempered, demanding and too forceful to get their way A truly negative Aries can be physically violent

MAGICAL USE: Leadership, authority, Rebirth and beginnings, to push an issue forward in your life, self confidence, matters of the self and the personality, healings for the face head and brain, good time to start things but it does lack staying power



April 20 - MAY 20

Feminine Earth Sign

Fixed - Personal

Ruled by Venus

Keyword - Dependable

TAROT: The Empress

Taurus people are known for their dependability, their comfortable attitudes, and their endurance The planet Venus rules Taurus which means they are attracted to beautiful things and the finer things in life, especially concerning their possessions (material things or even people) Taureans are very generous, practical, and they are artistically creative by nature A Taurus may well be the most patient personality of all the zodiac signs because they are very well grounded in reality They like to take their time on making decisions because their security in any matter is extremely important to them, they need to be sure Taurus people always give sound practical advice to friends, and tend to keep situations straight to the point A Taurus is the strong silent type and often times may be misunderstood as non-communicative Taurus People are very patient, strong, creative, sincere, loyal, and they have a lot of old fashioned common sense Taurus rules the neck, throat, and ears, which may offer a lovely singing voice, but can also make them prone to neck problems, sore throats, and ear infections

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Taurus can be so slow moving that they become lazy or dull They can also be ruthless, jealous, brutish, greedy, and sometimes blind to reasoning or logic

MAGICAL USE: Love, Real Estate, material gain, healings for the throat neck and ears, things begun now have excellent staying power, seeding of a relationship, skills, vehicles, possessions, and patience



May 21 - June 20

Masculine Air Sign

Mutable - Personal

Ruled by Mercury

Keyword - Communication

TAROT: The Magician

A Gemini is born with the gift of charm and salesmanship, so they can sell themselves as well as anything else very well What they speak can get them into trouble but they also have the ability to talk their way out of any problems too Mercury rules Gemini, which is the planet of communication and a Gemini loves to communicate with everyone they meet Gemini people are very curious; they seek to learn everything they can very quickly, so they can tell everyone else about what they know A Gemini can think fast, speak fast, and is capable of convincing you that they know more about a subject then they really do They are lively, witty, spontaneous, trendy, and let us not forget…charmers with the intensity of a playful child! Gemini rules the arms, shoulders and lungs, which can make them prone to respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and may also suffer from panic attacks or nervous disorders

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Gemini can have extremely different sides to them, hence the Twins concept; that they can be the classic “Jekyll and Hyde” personality They can also be intolerant, superficial, moody, and unpredictable

MAGICAL USE: communication, change of residence, writing, public relations, salesmanship, healings for arms hands and lungs, adaptable, things begun now are easily changed by outside influences, choices, and street smarts



June 21 - July 22

Feminine Water Sign

Cardinal - Personal

Ruled by the Moon

Keyword - Sensitive

TAROT: The Chariot

Cancer people tend to be sensitive, emotional, and very protective of those qualities A cancer is a very strong person who will make their choices in life based upon how they “feel” Sometimes they can become prisoners of their over emotions Despite all these emotions they are genuine "doers" combining their strong wills with their strong determination Cancers are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go of happy times and the sad ones too Since Cancers like to hold onto things they are also avid collectors A cancer always seeks security, love, affection, and comfort When they find it, they can be overly protective of it Cancer sometimes has a need to be alone with their thoughts; though home, family, and marriage are very important to them as well A Cancer must feel secure in life in order to thrive or to reach out to others Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach, which can make them prone to digestive ailments and weight problems

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Cancers can be so overly emotional that they can assume everyone is out to hurt them Or they may take someone’s words extremely personally They may brood, hold onto to past hurts with a grudge, and even be sneaky

MAGICAL USES: comfort, the home, family, determination, domestic situations, healings for chest and stomach, support, growth, pleasure, nurturing, child bearing, new ideas flow smoothly, and intuition



July 23 – August 22

Masculine Fire Sign

Fixed - Social

Ruled by the Sun

Keyword - Pride

TAROT: Strength

Leos are larger than life because they attract others easily and are strong, generous, passionate, and hard workers A Leo has a zest for life, ambition, and have a very sharp wit Leos are natural leaders, they want to do it all their own way without help, just to prove to themselves that they can They are cheerful, fun, pleasant, and stand out among a crowd that gives them plenty of attention They are powerful personalities and call attention to their greatness A Leo needs to be noticed for their abilities, and if you do then you’ll for sure have a great friend But hurt their pride and ego, and they will stomp off pouting to their rooms Leos are good at heart, creative, fun loving, and have a fierce ambition to succeed in anything they do They usually do because they are driven to be noticed Leo rules the heart and the back, which can make them prone to heart-related problems and back pain

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: A Leo’s ego and pride can be a great personal struggle as well as a constant problem for those that surround them Sometimes a Leo can think too highly of them self that they stop seeing reality They can also be bullies and decide that your opinion does not count

MAGICAL USES: authority, power, pride, favors provided, career, romance, social activities, healing for upper back spine and heart Changes of appearance, hobbies and entertainment, animals, and luck



Aug 23 – Sept 22

Feminine Earth Sign

Mutable - Social

Ruled by Mercury

Keyword - Detailed

TAROT: The Hermit

Virgos are deep intellectual thinkers that enjoy analyzing their surroundings Virgos tend to notice the smaller details, and that can be both rewarding or it can make them dwell on something for an over extended time They have a generous pleasant nature and their skills at communication are advanced They are sharply intelligent, follow rules, believe things have an order in life, and are very idealistic Often workaholics, a Virgo can lead a very successful and career driven life They can be so useful in work that at times they make themselves vulnerable to being used A Virgo likes to have control on their environment and they are practical to a fault A Virgo seeks the cold hard facts, and they have been known to be critical of other views or opinions Virgos are born worriers, and doing all that worrying can make you a tiny bit fussy at times But the Virgo heart is always in the right place Virgo rules the nervous system and the intestines, which makes them prone to insomnia, indigestion, and stress related illnesses

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Virgos can become so detail oriented that they over organize everything in their path, including people The can display obsessive compulsive attributes because “order” becomes urgent These issues can wear down the people around them

MAGICAL USES: purity, innocence, employment, wisdom, details, intellectual matters, general health and diet, healings for nervous system and intestines, logic, get things in order, advice, work environment, and analytical abilities


LIBRA Sept 23 – Oct 22

Masculine Air Sign

Cardinal - Social

Ruled by Mercury

Keyword - Balance

TAROT: Justice

Librans love beauty, creativity, and balance Libras are wonderful writers and communicators because their wit and charm shine through their words Libras are analytical thinkers that weigh both sides to every issue, sometimes spending far more time then is needed A Libra is friendly, lovable, social, sensual, charming, intellectual, and dramatic They are born to flirt, which in most cases is just harmless fun and a part of their natural “sparkle” Libras look for the positives in life, because it is prettier than a negative A Libra tends to try and please everyone needing to always feel “liked”, accepted, and understood This sign rules the skin, the kidneys and the buttocks, which can make them prone to lower back problems, diabetes, and skin problems

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Libras can become indecisive, or literally avoid a choice until things are thrown into a whirlwind Libra’s desire to be “liked” can cause them to do things behind another’s back Because of a Libra’s charm, flirtation, and sensuality it can be very easy to act out issues with love relationships, or even sexual ones

MAGICAL USES: balance, justice, karma, artistic abilities, court and legal matters, partnerships, unions, marriages, mental stimulation, social interactions, healings for kidneys and lower back, the lighter pleasurable things in life, networking, cooperation, soothing anger, and beauty



Oct 23 – Nov 21

Feminine Water Sign

Fixed - Social

Ruled by Pluto

Keyword - Passionate

TAROT: Death

Scorpio people are magnetic, powerful, forceful, emotional, sexual, and psychic Scorpios are incredibly passionate, persistent, and intense Scorpios are often the “spiritual seekers” trying to find the right path for themselves which can be ever changing Being naturally intuitive a Scorpio is able to easily see through lies or secrets, it’s just not easy to fool them But their powers of secrecy for themselves are grand, mysterious, and very instinctual for them A Scorpio doesn’t usually like you to know everything about them; they are cautious, meticulous, deliberate, and deeply emotional Many times a Scorpio is noted as “obsessive” rather than “intense” and it’s important to see the difference between the two Scorpios rely great upon instinct, and their own natural intuition to make choices They are committed, subtle, loyal, and very persistent in everything they do Scorpio rules the bladder and the genitals, which can make them prone to venereal diseases and bladder infections

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Scorpios like all other signs, have a darkside and it includes: revenge seeking, obsessive behavior, holding grudges, and power addictions Get into a tangle with the wrong Scorpio and you’ll be very sorry, they can also be prone to violence

MAGICAL USES: endings, seriousness, power, transformations, death, the dead, sex, ESP, mysteries and secrets, determination, energy, passion, emotions, spirituality, brings major results on multiple levels, use no malice during Scorpio it can be dangerous, healings for the reproductive system, taxes, inheritance, and anytime you want to intensify things



Nov 22 – Dec 21

Masculine Fire Sign

Mutable - Universal

Ruled by Jupiter

Keyword - Freedom

TAROT: Temperance

Sagittarian people like to do things in a big way, they do it quickly, and they make it fun A Sagittarian is very open minded and anxious to learn about others, they always seek greater meaning in life They are the Gypsies of the zodiac seeking wide open spaces, freedom, adventure, and movement In fact, change is very important to them, and if it doesn’t happen naturally then they will cause it to happen themselves Sometimes they shake things up just to do it Sagittarians speak with their own brand of honesty which is why they are often “putting their foot in their mouth” They can speak first and think later which often gets them into unpleasant situations Since luck is often on their side, they possess the possibility of getting out from under any circumstance their get themselves into They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous, jovial, and sincere, with a passion for justice The love a good joke, don’t mind even being the joke… As long as it makes someone laugh

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: A Sagittarian can be so impulsive, careless, and so scattered that they can never live up to their own good intentions or their promises to others Their exaggeration can be so advanced that they may even believe it themselves, and make them quick to rage when proven wrong

MAGICAL USES: fun, party time, truth, travel, optimism, publications, energy, confidence, philosophy, coincidences, imaginations, creativity, religion, open mind, higher learning, healings for the hips liver and thighs, and general joy



Dec 22 – Jan 19

Feminine Earth Sign

Cardinal - Universal

Ruled by Saturn

Keyword - Practical

TAROT: The Devil

A Capricorn is a person who may have a slow climb to success, but will eventually reach their goals through hard steady work This person is not only ambitious, but practical as well A Capricorn is ambitious, a thinker, careful, chatty, and yet also reserved They can appear as shy to others until you get to know them, and sometimes lack confidence because they can be very critical of themselves They are great planners, always organized, and have a natural flare for business They are also very old fashioned at heart, but very fair individuals with a great desire to have their hard work recognized Capricorn rules the bones, the knees, and the skin which can make them prone to dental problems, broken bones, skin rashes, and arthritis

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: A Capricorn is often quick to seize an advantage, and may not always do it “fairly” Often they can be very self centered, pessimistic, and selfish because they will be unbending to another point of view

MAGICAL USES: business, dominance, power, organization, ambition, career, discipline, patience, politics, publicity, one step at a time, money, healings for knees bones teeth and skin, goals, recognition, reputation, and respect Not for major magics



Jan 20 – Feb 18

Masculine Air Sign

Fixed - Universal

Ruled by Uranus

Keyword - Inventive

TAROT: The Fool

Aquarians are people who are very independent, honest, rebellious, original in thought, inventive, and they are born humanitarians They are deep analytical thinkers with definite opinions and beliefs that they enjoy sharing with others They enjoy a good debate, and love to prove how open minded they are Always highly intelligent and logical an Aquarian is also very serious minded Their sense of humor is often dry or unusual Aquarians can be loners, sometimes withdrawing themselves from the world while their sensitive side seeks true companionship Aquarians are unique by nature and they like themselves that way Aquarius rules the shins, ankles, and the circulatory system, which can make them prone to hardening of the arteries, poor blood circulation, varicose veins, sprains, and breaks

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: An Aquarian can have such a need for perfection in relationships that they may have trouble with commitments They also may have a hard time truly understanding that others may have a different point of view and work hard too hard to convince them to adapt to their own principles They can be chaotic and unpredictably moody In extreme forms they can be perverse, or even sex offenders Aquarians can also be extremely cold and icy using too much of their dry logic with others

MAGICAL USES: science, technology, freedom, new ways of thinking, independence, honesty, creativity, building, problem solving, friendships, hopes, dreams, humanitarian issues, healings for calves ankles and blood, enhancements, and breaking bad habits Not for major issues, works best for simple problems


PISCES Feb19 – March 20

Feminine Water Sign

Mutable - Universal

Ruled by Neptune

Keyword - Imagination

TAROT: The High Priestess

Pisces people are born with the gift of prophecy and with all the right things in place, they are deeply spiritual people Pisces is known for compassion, sensitivity, patience, romance, imagination, and natural intuition A Pisces is very imaginative and loves to just be alone with thoughts or their fantasy world Many have some type of spiritual awakening; a moment of enlightenment, in their life A Pisces can be literally inspiring to others and will even sacrifice their own desires to support a loved one Being so emotionally sensitive, it is easy at times for a Pisces to seek escape through over indulgence Or a Pisces can be so compassionate that they become more concerned about someone else’s problems rather than their own This sign rules the feet, which can make them prone to corns, aches, alcoholism, and bunions

THE NEGATIVE SIDE: Pisces can want love to be too fictionalized and strive for something that really only exists in their own fantasy They have often been known as “the other woman” or “the other man” because of their fantasies Sometimes a Pisces is so deeply involved in their own fantasy that they lie to others completely believing themselves

MAGICAL USES: intuition, dreams, fantasies, all psychic abilities, astral projections, magic and mystery, compassion, understanding, sympathy, peace, service to others, spirituality, healing's for feet and lymph glands Not a really great time for magic, much better for divinations and spiritual pursuits


"You need to be doing sth" 是一个英语中很常见的句型,也可以被称为“need to be + 动词(-ing) ”。其中,“need”是情态动词,“to be doing sth”是不定式,表示正在进行或将要进行的动作。该句型的意思为“你需要(应该)做某事”。例如,“You need to be working harder if you want to pass the exam”表示“如果你想通过考试,你需要更努力学习”。该句型的用法非常灵活,可以用于各种语境和场合,表示"需要、应该"等建议、命令或提醒等语气。

  Aries 白羊座 (3月21日~4月20日)

  The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy


  TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems


  Taurus 金牛座 (4月21~5月21日)

  The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure


  TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up


  Gemini 双子座 (5月22日~6月21日)

  The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed


  TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability


  Cancer 巨蟹座 (6月22日~7月22日)

  Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive


  TIPS: Good memory is your born gift


  Leo 狮子座 (7月23日~8月23日)

  Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead


  TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance But remember to balance self-confidence with humility


  Virgo 处女座 (8月24日~9月23日)

  Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability


  TIPS: A good educational background is important Diligence is your advantage


  Libra 天秤座 (9月24日~10月23日)

  Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted and active


  TIPS: Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot


  Scorpio 天蝎座 (10月24日~11月22日)

  Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign


  TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio You just need more confidence


  Sagittarius 射手座 (11月23日~12月21日)

  Sagittarius is Fire energy This is a very active, extroverted sign


  TIPS: You definitely have talent But you still have to concentrate more


  Capricorn 摩羯座 (12月22日~1月20日)

  Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working

  signs of the Zodiac


  TIPS: Patience and caution are your advantages


  Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日)

  Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it This sign has

  astonishing intellectual and communication skill


  TIPS Aquarius has a lot of adaptability But you may try many new things but end up mastering none


  Pisces 双鱼座 (2月20日~3月20日)

  Pisces is a Water element Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate,

  and other-directed


  TIPS: Lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless


标签: 巨蟹座 运势 你的 星座 对方